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Hutesa - Producers - Sabor a Málaga

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Hutesa - Producers


Hutesa is a family company, which is dedicated to the packaging and export of table olives offering a wide variety in terms of formats.

In Hutesa Agroalimentaria, S.A. we are specialists in the processes that go from the reception of the olive coming from the Andalusian fields to the packaging in different formats. The processes that we develop from the moment we pick up the olives until we dispatch them are numerous, but there are some very curious ones that will surprise many of you.


Brands: Hutesa, Benanai, Markesa de Oliva.

Products: Can, glass bottle and bag olives.


Spanish, French, English, German and Arabic

Ctra. Nac. 334 km 136 - 29520
Fuente de Piedra
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