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Gin Alborán - Producers - Sabor a Málaga

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Gin Alborán - Producers

Gin Alborán

Destilerías Alborán is a company from Málaga located in Almáchar, a village of the Axargía region.

It is full of history, with Arabic origin and surrounded by olive trees, cereals and vineyards. Its members are young entrepreneurs of the alcoholic drink industry.

Its production consits of wine, liqueur and brandys, made with artisanal procedures made with citrics from Andalucía. Their ingredients have no chemicals and they are under stritc health controls.


Alborán GIN is the new product of Cítrico Drink, a gin that comes in four varieties: classic, strawberry, lemon and orange.

In the hearth of Axarquía (Málaga), Alborán Gin is born. It is a gin made pout of the bst botanic and fruit selection that gives it balance and its typical citric note.

Alborán Classic , the most clasic gin, has juniper notes with a slight citric and spice aroma. It is a naturally dry gin that combines perfectly with most tonics, as well as with some botanics.

For those who prefer more refreshing flavours, the Alborán Lemon is their best option. This variety, in comparison to the orange one, is more acid and its combination with tonic is better.

Alborán Strawberry has exotic and fruity notes that makes it sweet from the strawberry and its flavour can be more enhanced by adding more berries to the drink.

In order to offer a unique product and with irreplaceable flavour, they created Alborán Orange , a gin whose botanic composition highlights citric tones where the most palpable one is the orange.

Ctra. Benamargosa Km 0,6, Parque Tecno-Alimentario del Trapiche nave 3 - 29719
Company´s products
Glasses of gin
Glass of gin
Glass of gin
Glass of gin
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