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Ahumados Skandia - Producers - Sabor a Málaga

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Ahumados Skandia - Producers

Ahumados Skandia

Smoked with Sabor a Málaga

Ahumados Skandia is a company specialized in the production of smoked fish such as salmon, pomfret, cod, trout and tuna. Under the Skandia banner, this company has been in the Spanish market for more than 40 years. Based in Malaga, they have the most cutting-edge quality certifications such as the IFS and sustainability certifications such as MSC, ASC and even the ecological products certificate.

Currently, this company markets all its products through the Skandia and Valkiria brands, products that can be purchased either through its online store or by sending an email to . A complete home service with nationwide coverage.

Valkiria is the result of its involvement with quality. A brand dedicated to other fish such as pomfret. Delicious smoked fish that you can try in olive oil, sunflower oil or vacuum packed to combine on toast or salads.

At Ahumados Skandia they smoke their products based on the experience of Scandinavian masters, they only use beech wood and apply the most avant-garde technology in their production. This way they achieve a unique flavor and texture.

A high commitment to quality and the trust that each client places in Skandia. They are committed to the strictest standards of food safety and responsibility, promoting sustainable fishing practices with both the species and the environment.


  • Mild Norwegian Smoked Salmon “Skandia” 80 g.
  • Smoked Wild Pomfret “Valkyrie” 80 g.
  • “Skandia” smoked salad 100 g.
  • Skandia salmon tartare 140 g.
  • Skandia variable weight grilled smoked Norwegian salmon.
  • Smoked Norwegian salmon Gravad lachs, variable weight.
  • Smoked Norwegian salmon with dill and red berries, variable weight Skandia.
  • Skandia variable weight grilled smoked cod .
  • Smoked salmon 80 g sachet. Skandia.
  • Salmon marinated with dill 80 g Skandia.
C/ Hemingway, 30, Polígono Industrial Guadalhorce - 29004
<p>Ahumados Skandia specialized in the production of smoked fish</p>
<p>Salmon pack from Ahumados Skandia</p>
<p>smoked salmon from Ahumados Skandia</p>
<p>Smoked salmon</p>
<p>Valkiria from Ahumados Skandia</p>
<p>Norway smoked salmon</p>
<p>Smoked fish from Ahumados Skandia</p>
<p>Avocado with Norway salmon from Ahumados Skandia</p>
<p>Rolls of Norway salmon from Ahumados Skandia</p>
<p>Board of smoked fish from Ahumados Skandia</p>
<p>Valkiria, smoked cod in olive from Ahumados Skandia</p>
<p>Valkiria, smoked southern pomfret austral kin extra virgin olive oil from Ahumados Skandia</p>
<p>Fish products from Ahumados Skandia</p>
<p>Black caviar from Ahumados Skandia</p>
<p>Caviar from Ahumados Skandia</p>
<p>Caviar from Ahumados Skandia</p>
<p>Smoked salmon from Ahumados Skandia</p>
<p>Products of smoked salmon from Ahumados Skandia</p>
<p>Fresh fish from Ahumados Skandia</p>
<p>Valkiria, sliced smoked pomfret</p>
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