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Agro-Olivarera Riogordo - Producers - Sabor a Málaga

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Agro-Olivarera Riogordo - Producers

Agro-Olivarera Riogordo

Organic olive oil from Agro-Olivarera Riogordo, located in the Axarquia region

Agro-Olivarera Riogordo is an olive agricultural cooperative, made up of about 1,200 members. Its oil mill activity has an average annual production of 2,000,000 kg of Virgin and Extra Virgin Olive Oil for which 9,000,000 kg of olives are processed.

In addition, they have facilities built on a 20,000 m2 plot, they have 3 cleaning lines and another 3 processing lines.


Extra Virgin Olive Oil of the Verdial variety, brands Rioliva de Riogordo and Borbollón.

Packaging with the following formats:

  • Glass bottle type 500 ml of Extra Virgin Olive Oil Verdial variety
  • 500 ml glass bottle. Extra Virgin Olive Oil Verdial variety
  • Pet bottle 1 L. Extra Virgin Olive Oil variety Verdial
  • Pet bottle 2 L. Extra Virgin Olive Oil variety Verdial
  • Pet bottle 5 L Extra Virgin Olive Oil variety Verdial
Paraje el Campillo, s/n - 29180
Different containers to pack olive oil
Preparation process
Different types of bottles and jars
Different types of bottles and jars
Different bottles
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