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Agammasur, S.C.A. - Producers - Sabor a Málaga

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Agammasur, S.C.A. - Producers

Agammasur, S.C.A.

Goat cheeses with authentic flavor

Agammasur, S.C.A is a goat milk cooperative dedicated to the manufacturing and sale of cheeses.

At AGAMMASUR, they cater to all tastes by producing creamy, tender, firm, soft, and spicy cheeses. Their brands "Quesos Montes de Málaga" and "Quesos El Pinsapo," backed by more than 75 national and international awards, overflow with quality and authenticity.

It's a cooperative committed to offering you the best cheese, with an unparalleled flavor.



  • Fresh goat cheese
  • Semi-cured goat cheese
  • Semi-cured goat cheese with Pedro Ximénez
  • Semi-cured goat cheese with paprika
  • Cured goat cheese
  • Cured raw goat milk cheese
  • Cured raw goat milk cheese with paprika
  • Cured goat cheese in extra virgin olive oil
  • Cured extra virgin olive oil goat cheese covered in wheat bran

The cheeses are sold in following formats:

QUESOS MONTES DE MÁLAGA:1 kg and 500 gr.

QUESOS EL PINSAPO: 3 kg, wedges of 1,3 kg, 400 gr. and 250 gr. (approximately).

All formats are vacuum-packed. 

C/ Miguel Hernández, 45 Pol Ind Virgen de la Candelaria - 29170
assorted cheeses

Dónde comprarlos

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