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100 Caños/Molino Jabonero - Producers - Sabor a Málaga

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100 Caños/Molino Jabonero - Producers

100 Caños/Molino Jabonero

100 Caños is an Extra Virgin Olive Oil that picks the best crops in the heart in Andalucía, in the town of Villanueva del Trabuco (Malaga).

Using mechanical procedures and in cold, they juice the olives that trees give them. They are centernary olive trees from the Hojiblanca variety, the pillars that hold the project 100 Caños.


50 cl Extra Virgin Olive Oil of the Hojiblanca variety glass bottle

50 cl Extra Virgin Olive Oil of the Picual Ecológico variety glass bottle

50 cl Extra Virgin Multivariety Olive Oil glass bottle

50 Cl Extra Virgin Olive Oil of the Hojiblanca variety can


Spanish, English

Cortijo del Jabonero, MA-4100, Km 4 - 29313
Villanueva del Trabuco
Bottles of EVOO
Bottles of EVOO
Bottle of EVOO
Bottles of EVOO
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