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Vadefrutas - Businesses - Sabor a Málaga

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Vadefrutas - Businesses


Family store for the sale and marketing of food products, delicatessen, fruits, and vegetables.


Beekeeping Milosi: Thousand flower honey, avocado, eucalyptus, thyme and rosemary.

Bravo Olives: Green olives with and without pits, stuffed with almonds, stuffed with garlic, seasoned splits, split gordales, green finger suckers, mojo picón, gazpacha, banderillas, pickles, onions and capers.

Molisur Oils: Extra Virgin Olive Oil in different presentations.

Málaga Virgen Winery : Sweet Pedro Ximenez.

Almensur : Peeled almonds with and without skin, peeled walnuts, pistachios.

La Molienda Verde: Jams: mango with stevia, peach without sugar, tangerine without sugar, strawberry with stevia, strawberry with kiwi, figs with dates. Confit cherry tomato, cherry tomato baked in olive oil, candied onion rings. Chocolates: artisan with nuts, artisan without sugar, 70% cocoa.

Carmen Lupiañez Cakes: Oil cakes.

Salvi Farm: Free-range and free-range eggs.

Melgar: Chorizo ​​Rosario.

C/ Chiriva, 13. Torremolinos ( - 29620
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