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Mainake Vinos & Gourmet - Businesses - Sabor a Málaga

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Mainake Vinos & Gourmet - Businesses

Mainake Vinos & Gourmet

They started in 2012 with La Bodega de Baco, a company that distributed quality wine and gourmet products. They later created a wine bar that serves products from Andalucía and the Sabor a Málaga stamp.

It is located in calle de la Victoria, in the heart of the city centre. Every month, they organise wine tastings for new wineries and food companies. They also support culture with poetry readings, painting and photography expositions, music and micro-theatre.


Bodegas Dimobe

Bodegas Viloria

Bodegas Andresito

Bodegas Schartz

Bodegas Excelencia

Encurtidos Roldán

Mermeladas de Mango Málaga "MMM"

Quesos Rey Cabra

Aceite Don Félix

Cerveza Rosa de Málaga


Spanish, English

C/ Victoria 45 - 29012
<p>five bottles</p>
<p>sparkling wines</p>
<p>wine bottles</p>
<p>wine bottles</p>
<p>mango jam</p>
<p>flower honey</p>
<p>alcoholic beverages</p>
<p>products made with mora carrot</p>
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