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La Despensa de Clara y Pablo - Businesses - Sabor a Málaga

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La Despensa de Clara y Pablo - Businesses

La Despensa de Clara y Pablo

La Despensa de Clara y Pablo is a family business located at number 16 in the Antequera food market and specialized in the sale of products from or made in the province of Malaga.

In this traditional business we can find a wide variety of goat cheeses, gourmet preserves, DO wines and homemade sausages, among others, from different parts of our region.

Likewise, and with the aim of always offering the highest quality and satisfaction to their customers, at La Despensa de Clara y Pablo they select the best local products, prioritizing responsibility, sustainability and the taste of local or kilometer zero products, such as those covered under the distinctive Sabor a Málaga .


Cortijo La Fuente Winery

The Green Grinding

MOntes de Málaga cheeses

Santa María del Cerro Cheeses

The Pinsapo

El Llano Jaral Cheeses

Melgar Hams and Sausages

Plaza San Francisco, Mercado de Abastos, Nº puesto 16 - 29200
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