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BióVoros - Businesses - Sabor a Málaga

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BióVoros - Businesses


Eco-shop dedicated since its openning in May 2016 to the sale and marketing of the organic food and cosmetic products. Also, it offers También ofrece phytotherapy and other healthy procedures such as servives of physiotherapy, , así como servicios de fisioterapia, osteopathy or consultancy on healthy habits and food and even bring to the clients the potted plants with an organic substrate or seasonal organic fruit grown in the garden of Malaga.


  • Normal Macchetoni, thin noodle, normal spagheti, nido tagliatelle, normal tagliatelle, wholegrain tagliatelle, normal rigatoni, normal casarecce, normal conchiglie, wholegrain rigatoni, and wholegrain casarecce, all of them from Spiga Negra
  • Cane honey jar of 920gr
  • Honey jar of 460gr and anti-drip honey of 350gr from De la Torre  SA.
  • Natural cocoa cream and sesame cocoa cream y crema from Biochoc
  • Red crianza, Tempranillo de montaña, Sweet Pedro Ximén, Dry Pedro Ximén, and Red young from Wineries José Molina (Colmenar)
C/ Armengual de la Mota 33 - 29007
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