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Loquats - Fruits and vegetables - Sabor a Málaga

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Loquats - Fruits and vegetables

An oriental fruit that sought shelter in the heart of Axarquía

The loquat is a tasty spring fruit that is especially linked to the Axarquian town of Sayalonga. There it has become the main crop since the 1980s. So much so that this town is already known by the tourist slogan of 'Paraíso del Níspero'. Every season, around half a million kilos of this small fruit are produced there, which was introduced to the town in the 1960s as an alternative to traditional crops. Today Sayalonga, together with two municipalities in Granada, is one of the few in Andalusia that has historically opted for the cultivation of the loquat. In fact, the town is surrounded by thousands of trees that each spring produce these fruits, also known in other latitudes as loquats, which are consumed not only in the province of Malaga, but are also sold to other Spanish cities or even exported to some European countries. The Sayalonga medlar is fundamentally characterized by being a nutritious, tasty and very juicy fruit. The microclimate enjoyed by this territory, located between the Mediterranean and the Axarquian mountain range of Almijara, has been able to influence the quality of this fruit native to Asia. To highlight its characteristics and draw attention to its cultivation, the gastronomic festival of Medlar Day has been celebrated since the beginning of the 1980s, declared a Festival of Provincial Tourist Singularity and of National Tourist Interest in Andalusia. The Axarchic calendar indicates that this popular event takes place every first Sunday in May in which attendees can taste the fruit itself, as well as its two main derived products, jam and liqueur. In addition, as has been customary since the establishment of this Axarquian festival, you will also be able to taste the famous local wine, a must of the year that is still made by hand in many homes in this town in Malaga. There are those who prefer to taste them directly and others, transformed into jams or liqueurs, but, in any case, it is possible to capture the unmistakable flavor that the microclimate of this charming Axarchic town gives to the fruit.

Imagen de Loquats
Imagen de Loquats
Did you know...

The first variety of loquat that was introduced in Sayalonga was originally from Japan.


More information
  • The first loquat that arrived in Sayalonga was of the 'Tanaka' type, a variety that comes specifically from Japan, although the origin of this fruit seems to be in southeastern China. The fruit was introduced to Europe at the end of the 18th century, while it spread in Spain a century later. In Sayalonga they claim that the first farm that planted it was in the Huerta de Romero. In this case, the plant came from a farm located in Nerja. From that first tree, according to what they say in Sayalonga, the seedlings that grew at its feet were transplanted.

  • The loquat is a fruit that is as nutritious as it is healthy, since its high water content makes it highly recommended for different kidney and liver pathologies. It is a product rich in sugar, but with a relatively low calorie intake (about 50 calories per 100 grams). Among its components there are potassium, magnesium and vitamins C and group B. Like other fruits, the Sayalonga medlar has a lot of fiber, which makes it recommended for improving intestinal transit.

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