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Artisan Ice Cream - Bakery and confectionery - Sabor a Málaga

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Artisan Ice Cream - Bakery and confectionery

Creamy and refreshing textures made with natural ingredients

Texture, creaminess and flavor are the elements that differentiate artisanal ice cream from ice cream manufactured through industrial processes. Malaga artisan ice creams are made with raw materials and lack artificial flavors, preservatives and colorings. The choice of ingredients is one of the keys to its preparation. When it comes to making ice cream from fruits, the ideal is to use ripe pieces. In addition to offering an outlet for those last fruits that are more difficult to sell, they provide more flavor thanks to the high levels of fructose. Although for tastes, colors. And for colors, flavors.

Malaga's artisanal ice cream covers a wide list of flavors that can be differentiated by their appearance: nougat, shortbread, cherry, Oreo, cookie, coffee, caramel, Nutella, pistachio, watermelon, mango or figs are some of them. Also a flavor that is named after the province: the Malaga flavor ice cream, made from a base made of cream, egg, raisins and sweet wine. Of course, the traditional flavors cannot be missed: strawberry ice cream, chocolate ice cream and vanilla ice cream. There are some details that help to know if an artisan ice cream is quality. First of all, this quality is defined by the texture: an ice cream with excess solid pieces will be very hard; Ice cream with more sugar melts easily, and ice cream that does not have the proper proportions of fat, lean and protein is more prone to crystallizing and cracking. Secondly, the way the ice cream melts. This provides information about its manufacturing process, as it is an indicator of the number of hours of rest it has had. Depending on how the resting process has been, the ice cream may melt more on the surface or it may melt homogeneously.

In a cone or in a tub Malaga's artisanal ice cream is usually consumed in two ways: in a tub or in ice cream cones. The advantage of ice cream cones, made of wafers, is that they allow you to eat the ice cream without the need for a spoon. Although traditionally ice cream has also been served as a shake, dessert and accompaniment to cakes and other dishes that serve to put the finishing touch to an excellent menu.

Did you know...

There is a flavor of ice cream called Málaga that is made with cream, egg, raisins, and sweet wine.


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