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Málaga artisan pastries, essential for enjoying great moments - Sabor a Málaga

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Málaga artisan pastries, essential for enjoying great moments

Málaga artisan pastries, essential for enjoying great moments

Handmade tradition

The key of a good Malaga artisan bread is in the elaboration process and its composition. The fabrication of this type of bread is slower (can take over seven hours against two hours for making an industrial bread) and is based on the procedure without additives. According to the artisan masters, the key is in choosing the good-quality ingredients,  letting  the dough rest, and watching the baking. One of the more characterized specialties of bread of our province is mollete (Malaga muffin).

Málaga is the province of sugary tastes. It is ground of different and delicious pastries with tradition made on the basis of the unique and proper recipes. Every region and its different towns hide the unique products that are popularized all over the country.

The Málaga traditional pastries occupy a priviledged position in this section given many sweet delicacies that accompany the great moments of our everyday lives as well as special occasions like Holy Week, summer, and Christmas.

Malaga cakes are one of the products with most varieties that can be enjoyed. Almond cakes, oil cakes and buns, tortas locas, borrachuelos, pestiños, Spanish-style French toasts, bienmesabe, raisin icecream, Muscatel sparkling wine icecream, mango icecream, carapino icecream, dulce de leche, caramelized peanuts as well as mantecados, polvorones, wine donuts, nougats and chocolates are some of the sweet specialties you can degustate depending on the town you want to discover and taste.

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