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How to amaze your palate with a wide range of delicious and tasty cheeses - Sabor a Málaga

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How to amaze your palate with a wide range of delicious and tasty cheeses

How to amaze your palate with a wide range of delicious and tasty cheeses

Tasty dairy products with tradition in the entire province

The Málaga cheese is an indigenous product of the province which represents a valuable cultural and gastronomic heritage and appears in the catalogue of cheeses published by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environmnet, It is a product made of pure goat milk from Malaga goat farms. Its area of traditional production belongs to the entire province of Málaga.

Currently, there are over twenty cheese factories in the province of Málaga that combine the tradition of cheese-making with new technologies meeting the strictest health-hygiene measures. All of them use the milk from their own farms or from the farms that are very close to their facilities that ensures the daily processing of produced milk. To make one kilo of Málaga cheese you need six liters of goat milk.

The most traditional cheese of Málaga is the fresh goat cheese, Yet, there are different types of Málaga cheeses depending on the chesee curing or milk processing: fresh, semi-cured, cured cheeses, in extra virgin olive oil, with paprika,  with rosemary, with wine Pedro Ximénez , with thyme, with fine herbs, of lactic and enzymatic curd, of pasteurized milk, and of milk, among which other cheeses are found to be of high quality and recognition.

The lactic desserts derived from goat milk are also one of the star products on the tables of Málaga people. From yogurts to icecreams, the quality and properties of this milk allow to create tasty sweets which can duzzle the most demanding palates.

Besides, the egg is a fundamental and versatile food at the time to cook and plays a very important role when having a balanced diet. This product of animal origin (poultry) has a high nutritional value and high protein, vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids and fatty acids content. There are many varieties of eggs in the market. The most common one are chicken eggs. One of the major visible differences between the eggs is the color: there are white and brown eggs.

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