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Sabor a Málaga regional fair in Torremolinos - Sabor a Málaga

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Sabor a Málaga regional fair in Torremolinos

Sabor a Málaga regional fair in Torremolinos

Jueves a sábado: 11:00 a 22:00 y domingo: de 11:00 a 21:00
Avenida Palma de Mallorca.
Avenida Palma de Mallorca

Sabor a Málaga fair launches in Torremolinos the first regional exhibition of the season with 36 producers arrived from all the corners of the province. A fair is accompanied with an extensive programme of 20 activities which will allow to make known the qualities and characteristics of the products produced in our villages. Besides common workshops, tastings, and show cookings, this fair will hold events focused on the foreigners where residents and foreign visitors will discover the tastes of Málaga through a multicultural experience. 

Programme of activities
On Thursday 29 of February from 11.00 tp 22.00, the setting of Sabor a Málaga will hold, during this first day, different workshops and tastings which will distinguish the EVOOs, wines with Málaga and Sierras de Málaga designation of origin and goat cheeses made in the province. 
In the mid-morning and after the openning of the fair –scheduled at 11.00 –, the presentation of the varieties and quality of Malaga wines will be held. Then, at 13.00, the EVOOs of our municipalities, identified as ‘the liquid gold of the prpovince ’, will come on a stade organizing a workshop that teaches to recognize the organoleptic qualities of the oils and at the same time offers the tastings to the public. At 14.00 a master class on making goat cheeses will take place, followed by the degustation which will place value on a wide range and culinary possibilities offered by this artisan product.
After lunch break, the activities will begin at 18.00 with a workshop and degustation of coffees from local roasting companies that will be imparted by master baristas. Music performances by Luis de la Calle with Isaac García, at 19.00 , and by singer Macarena Soto, at 20.00 will close  Thursday´s agenda.

On Friday 1st of March, the setting of Sabor a Málaga accommodates at 12.00 its first activity of the day with the spirulina, future super food, to be at the fore. At 12.00, the foreign community of the province, both visitors and residents,  will be the main participants of the activity. In this case, the creator of gastronomic experiences Hanni Martini, trogh her company ‘The Food Experience Malaga’, will bring the tastes of Málaga to different foreigna audience like British, American, Dutch, and Swedish people with whom the perceptions towards the qualities and falavours characterising the Malaga products will be shared through tastings and original degustations that will define a multicultural experience.
At 18.00 it will be turn to know and degustate the Malaga traditional pastry and confectionery made by the great professionals on this artisan craft. Afterward, at19.00 the José Lucena´s performance of music and ballet  will appear on stage and at 20.00 Natalia Moralo´s flamenco fusion will close the day.

At 12.00 on Saturday 2nd of March, the programme of activities of the third day will start with Malaga craft beer exposition and tasting. At 13.00, artisan croquettes made by a family business from Axarquía will be main character of the activity which will reveal a great varity of tastes in a unique product liked by everyone, from the elaborations with more traditional ingredient to more innovative. From 14.00, the chef Txema Fernández will speak about his new “recipies” for mini hamburgers.
At 17.00 and after break for lunch and enjoying  Sabor a Málaga products in different stands of local producers, the fair´s stage will be filled with pork products offering degustations to the public.  The last two Saturday´s activities are Leli Martín ballet Al Andalus and musical performance by Naiala Narciso, that start at 19.00 and 20.00, respectively.

On the fourth and last day of this regional fair in Torremolinos, which will be on Sunday 3d of March, Sabor a Málaga will begin its activities in the mid-morning putting emphasis on the artisan bread  unveiling its virtues and benefits against industrial bread. Afterward, at 13.00 and seizing the precedent master class, will be exposited the qualities ecologic eggs offer and a delight of enjoying them with a good homemade bread. At 16.00, the setting Sabor a Málaga will host the exposition of canned fruits and fruit jams and will present how to enjoy them in a healthy way during the whole year. The visitors will be able to continue to discover and acquire the products of the local producer untill the closing of the day scheduled at 21.00.

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