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Sabor a Málaga Fair in Melilla - Sabor a Málaga

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Sabor a Málaga Fair in Melilla

Sabor a Málaga Fair in Melilla

Viernes y sábado: de 18.00 a 24.00 horas y domingo: de 12.00 a 22.00 horas
Plaza de Las Culturas

The Sabor a Málaga Fair travels to Melilla for the first time with around thirty local producers and fifteen activities.

With opening hours from 18.00 h to 24.00 h on Friday and Saturday, and from 12.00 h to 20.00 h on Sunday, the programme of activities created by Sabor a Málaga will begin this Friday 19th July at 18.00 h with the official opening of the exhibition area by the authorities of both regions.

Shortly afterwards, at 18.30, the chef Elías Tang, owner of the Mercado San Martín restaurant, will arrive on the main Sabor a Málaga stage in the Plaza de las Culturas, where he will give a culinary demonstration of the great products of Málaga, followed by a tasting session for those attending. Then, at 19.15 hours, the Tejeros bakery will offer a pastry workshop in which the process of making the popular 'Loca malagueña' will be explained.

At 20.00 hours, the Malaga cheese masters will take to the stage to reveal the secrets of their wide variety of cheeses made from goat's and cow's milk, revealing their qualities to the public, who will be offered a free tasting and pairing.

At 20.30 hours, the director of agriculture and gastronomy of Frutas Eladio and founder of the restaurant El Lago, Paco García, presents the king of the Malaga market garden: the 'huevo toro' tomato, a local variety with its own identity and multiple applications in the kitchen. At 21.30 hours, the 'Picoteo Made in Málaga' takes to the stage with the producers and restaurateurs participating in the fair, who will offer a varied sample and tasting of tapas with the best local products.

From 22.00 hours until the end of this second day of the fair, the music of the group 'Miranda Cuenca' will entertain the public attending the fair, who will also be able to continue buying Malaga products from the various stalls set up in the Plaza de las Culturas.

Sunday, 21 July: from 12.00 to 20.00 hours

On Sunday 21 July, the Sabor a Málaga fair in Melilla will keep its exhibition and commercial area open with products from Malaga from 12.00 noon until 20.00 hours. The activities on the central Sabor a Málaga stage will begin at 12.30 with a dance performance by Ballet Colores, who will perform an exhibition of dances from different cultures. At 13.30 it is vermouth time. During this time, the Sabor a Málaga wineries will hold a tasting and sampling of Malaga wines for visitors to the fair.

After a break for lunch, the activities will return to the stage from 17.00 hours, when a presentation and tasting of Malaga honeys and jams will take place. Then, at 18.00 hours, the teachers from the Benahavís Sabor a Málaga Catering School will return to the central stage to surprise the public attending the fair with new culinary creations. And, at 19.00 hours, to close the programme of activities at the fair, the Malaga olive oil producers have prepared a workshop on olive oil production and subsequent tasting to showcase the quality and qualities of their extra virgin olive oils.

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