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Regional Fair Sabor a Málaga in Rincón de la Victoria - Sabor a Málaga

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Regional Fair Sabor a Málaga in Rincón de la Victoria

Regional Fair Sabor a Málaga in Rincón de la Victoria

Viernes y sábado de 11:00 a 22:00 y domingo 11:00 a 21:00h
Rincón de la Victoria.
Rincón de la Victoria

The Sabor a Málaga Fair in Al Ándalus Square will open on Friday 6 September at 13:00 hours with the opening hours on Friday and Saturday, from 11:00 to 22:00 hours and on Sunday from 11:00 to 21:00 hours.

The activity will begin on Friday at 11:00 hours with the opening of the fair. At 12:00 the show cooking by Alejandro Blanes from Baluarte will begin, followed by a workshop to learn about Malaga cheeses and a wine tasting and the presentation of essential oils and other healthy products. The day will be brought to a close at 20:30 by Lucas Galacho, from Restaurante El Portón, and Mattias Lucetti, from Puerto Niza Brasería, who will offer a cooking demonstration with anchovies as the main ingredient.

On Saturday at 12:00 hours, a workshop on how to make espetos with the masters of Marina Playa will open the day, followed by another on extra virgin olive oil and olives.

The activity will continue with a concert by Radio 80 and at 18:00 it will be the turn of Mayte Sánchez from Maychoco, followed by a tasting of cured meats and sausages and the music of Carmelo de Carmen.

On Sunday, Peneque el Valiente will welcome the youngest members of the family from 12:00 noon, followed by a children's biscuit workshop with Noe. The afternoon will be dedicated to Malaga sweets, and the day will end with a quiz about local products. The party will be brought to a close by the Zayas Cover Band.

The Sabor a Málaga fair will also have a charitable aspect, as the Cervezas Victoria marquee will be selling beers at a very popular price, with the proceeds going to Cáritas de Rincón de la Victoria.

Victorian Anchovy Festival
Tasting of anchovies

This fair is part of the activities of the new edition of the Fiesta del Boquerón Victoriano, which includes the free tasting of 1,250 kilos of anchovies on 6, 7 and 8 September in 63 restaurants in Rincón de la Victoria, which can be recognised on the outside by a distinctive sign.

The programme of activities for the Fiesta del Boquerón Victoriano will also offer live cooking and a network of catering establishments will promote this product.

Live cooking demonstrations at Alma Playa

As for the cooking demonstrations, Michelin Star José Carlos García, a chef from Rincon, will be the star of the inaugural show cooking on Tuesday 3 September at Alma Playa. He will be followed on 4th September by Nati Mercado from Amuco, Juan Francisco Castro from the Association of Parador Chefs and Carolina Tarazana from ARTCU and on Thursday 5th September by Miguel Martín from Bere Bere and Victor Varela, national cocktail champion, and Daniel Peregrina from Restaurante Karmela.

All these chefs will be preparing dishes that represent the versatility of anchovies, as they can be enjoyed both traditionally and as a haute cuisine dish.

The show cooking will be held this year at Alma Playa at 20:00 hours, with the exception of Friday 6th September, which will be held in the Al-Andalus square as part of the Sabor a Málaga Fair.

Those interested in attending the live cooking can book on the Eventbrite platform or at the Tourist Office from today, Wednesday 28 August.

Restaurant Network

Another pillar of this festival, as indicated by Salado, is the Restaurant Network, which will be active from 30 August until 8 September.

This year up to 41 establishments are taking part, which will form part of the seventh recipe book published by the Town Hall, with dishes ranging from traditional cuisine to signature, creative, Asian, Italian, Mexican, market and Venezuelan cuisine, with anchovies as the star ingredient.  

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