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Programme of Activities of Sabor a Malaga in H&T 2024 - Sabor a Málaga

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Programme of Activities of Sabor a Malaga in H&T 2024

Programme of Activities of Sabor a Malaga in H&T 2024

Palacio de Ferias y Congresos de Málaga.
Ortega y Gasset, 201 – 29006 Málaga

Malaga Trade Fair and Congress Center holds from Monday 5th of February  to Wednesday 7th of February the Fair of Innovation in Hospitality sector, H&T, where the Provincial Council´s  promotional agro-food   brand Sabor a Málaga will account for an exhibition space of 288 m2 where 40 producers and more than 250 local products from distinct municipalities of the province will be presented. 

The program developed by the brand will include 17 activities. Among them are: various show cookings  directed by renowned cooks and local shefs with Michelin Star, tastings, workshops, product degustation and desmonstrations. 

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