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Noodles on the side - Recipes - Sabor a Málaga

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Noodles on the side - Recipes

Noodles on the side

Sliced ​​noodles are part of the traditional seafood recipes of the Malaga coast. The oldest people say that it was common to cook this dish in a small fire on the boat itself, taking advantage of the discarded fish. José Manuel Marfil, from the El Convento Restaurant in Vélez-Málaga, shows us how to prepare this delight from the Costa del Sol

The first ingredient we will use is garlic. To do this, we peel them and chop them into small slices. We will chop for the stir-fry and to brown the noodles as well. Next to the garlic, we will chop the onion.

In a frying pan we add a little oil and add the garlic with chillies, bay leaf and the noodles.

In a pot, with oil, we will add the onion, the peppers cut into cubes, salt, a bay leaf and hydrated ñoras. Before adding the tomato, we will let it soften a little and add a little mint. For this, we will add water in proportion to the quantities. We will complete the sauce by adding hot paprika, sweet paprika, pepper and two cloves.

When the sauce reduces all the water, mix the sauce with the noodles and when they come together we add the chamomile wine and the coloring.

The main difference with fideguá is that the fish comes separately. We will grill squid and to the same pan we will add the shrimp.

To accompany this dish, the ideal is aioli. For this, we will mix and crush garlic, parsley, egg, salt, and oil.

  • Water
  • Prawns
  • Laurel
  • Fish
  • Peppermint
  • Salt
  • Paprika
  • Onion
  • Red pepper
  • Green
  • pepper Hydrated Ñoras
  • Chamomile wine
  • Oil
  • Chili pepper
  • Noodles
  • Saffron
  • Egg
  • Lemon
  • Parsley


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