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Marbella roscos - Recipes - Sabor a Málaga

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Marbella roscos - Recipes

Marbella roscos

With its small variations throughout the province, the rosco de vino , along with the borachuelo and the pestiño, are part of Malaga's Christmas cuisine. Carmen Mata, author of the book Marbella popular cuisine of yesterday and today , reminds us of this ancient recipe that has been passed down from generation to generation.

Toast half of the matalahúva, cinnamon and cloves in a frying pan, stirring constantly to prevent burning. Next, pass through a grinder and then through a strainer, until you get a fine powder.

To flavor the oil, fry it with the orange and lemon peel and add the remaining matalahúva.

To the oil we add wine, orange juice, brandy, orange and lemon zest, a tablespoon of toasted and ground matalahúva, cinnamon with caution and two tablespoons of sugar. Mix well and add the amount of flour necessary to make the donuts. It is advisable not to add too much because they will be hard. Once all the ingredients are mixed, knead for about 15 minutes.

Let it rest for at least two hours, and after this time, begin to make the donuts and place them on a baking tray. Once done, they are placed in the oven at 200º for 30 or 35 minutes.

Once cooked, let cool completely. We prepare a container with water and brandy (one part brandy to four parts water) and another with sugar. The donuts are soaked in water with brandy, drained and soaked in sugar.

To prevent them from sticking, they are placed next to each other. When they are dry, about an hour later, they can be stored in a container.

  • 1 l of water
  • 2 kg of flour
  • 330 ml dry white wine
  • 150 ml brandy
  • 2 oranges juice
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar
  • 100 g matalahúva
  • 2 toasted and ground cloves
  • 1 tablespoon of cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon matalahúva
  • 2 lemons


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