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La Chiquita - Purchases - Sabor a Málaga

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La Chiquita - Purchases

La Chiquita

Malaga Select Foods Online Store where you can find a wide variety of native products from the province of Malaga, wines, liquors, oils, craft beers and much more .

La Chiquita is a well-deserved tribute to the paternal grandmother of the creator of this unique store, Mrs. Antonia Medina, who in turn was the cook of the La Chiquita restaurant, a business run by the grandfather, Mr. Emilio Martín, and located on Ancha Street. del Carmen, in El Perchel. This endearing family passed on to their grandson and founder of the La Chiquita food store their passion for music and love for cooking, which was reflected in each of the stews they made and where quality and local products occupied a privileged place.

Hence, the Malaga Select Food Online Store always offers you the best option to taste the authentic flavor of Malaga.


Sierras de Málaga Denomination of Origin Wines

-Tierras de Mollina: Montespejo Tinto Roble, Montespejo White Young, Montespejo Red Young, Carpe Diem Málaga Añejo, Montespejo, Rebalaje.

-Narbona Solís: Antakira Moscatel de Alejandría, Antakira Pedro Ximénez, Antakira Pedro Ximénez Añejo, Viña Darón Rosado.

-Bentomiz Wineries: Ariyanas Dry White, Ariyanas Red Assembly, Ariyanas Naturally Sweet.

-Dimobe Wineries: Zumbral, Viña Maestro, El Lagar de Cabrera Rosado, El Lagar de Cabrera Blanco, El Lagar de Cabrera Tinto.

-Quitapenas Wineries: Pedro Ximénez.

-Grandma's Liqueurs: Mango, Sloes, Raspberry, Coffee,

-EVOO: Mondrón Oils, Los 100 Caños, Gil Luna

-Malaga Jams: Mango, Orange, Papaya, Wild Strawberries, Orange plus Papaya, Grapefruit.

-SalRose: Himalayan Pink Salt, Coriander, Malaga Wine.

-Málaga Pink Beers, Twentynine

-Honey: The Thicket.

-Roldán Olives: Black Olive Pâté, Green Olive Pâté, Pitted Manzanilla, Anchovy Flavored Manzanilla.

French Fries: Uncle Las Papas.


Spanish, English

Partida Huertas Altas, 3D - 29120
Assorted products
<p>product selection</p>
<p>olive oil</p>
<p>can of EVOO</p>
<p>pink salt</p>
<p>El Matorral</p>
<p>El Matorral</p>
<p>Bottle of wine</p>
<p>Sparkling wine</p>
<p>olive oil</p>
<p>wake-up call</p>
<p>facial cream</p>
<p>bottle of wine</p>
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