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Hnas. Briales Fruit shop - Purchases - Sabor a Málaga

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Hnas. Briales Fruit shop - Purchases

Hnas. Briales Fruit shop

Family shop dedicated to the sale of fruit and vegetables from Malaga

Frutería Hnas. Briales is a shop managed by two sisters with 25 years of experience in the fruit and vegetable sale in Málaga. They stand out by offering the 0 km local products obtaining the raw materials from the local suppliers and selecting all their products based on the temporality. They know that fresh products depend on the seasonality and this makes them to ensure that they select the best fruits and and vegetables and of quality our province offers. Such as: avocado, cherries from Alfarnate, prickly pear or bull's heart tomato among others. 

It should be noted that among their wide variety of products we can find the oranges from Valle del Guadalhorce whose supplier is Huerta de Carmen. Also, they offer Sabor a Málaga local products such as olives, pickles, cheeses, honeys or vegetable preserves. 

In Frutería Hnas. Briales they are specialists in creating fruit baskets and gift packs with typical products from Malaga for individuals and companies.


  • Bravo Olives and Pickles
  • Roldán Olives and Pickles
  • Potatoes Uncle Las Papas
  • Hnos Pedroza Spices
  • Salvi Eggs
  • Proxana Roasted Peppers
  • Carmen Lupiañez Cakes
  • Southern Almond Products
C/ Coronel Osuna 7 - 29006
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