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Flavors of Carmen - Purchases - Sabor a Málaga

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Flavors of Carmen - Purchases

Flavors of Carmen

Quality gastronomic products shop (online sales)

Sabores de Carmen is a quality food product online store. It does not intend to be a simple virtual portal for the sale of gastronomic products or just another "delicatessen" shop, but a meeting place for all lovers of good food. 

At Sabores de Carmen are specialists in creating hampers and gift packs with typical Malaga products for individuals and companies.


Iberian and white pork meat product



Wine and liqueur


Olives and pickles

Pottery from Andalucía


Salt and spices


Oils and vinegar

Organic products

“Minimarket” section for “Spaniards around the world” that miss their typical and simple national products

Sabor a Málaga brands:

Acorn Iberian ham: Embutidos ARO

Wine: Bodegas F. Schatz

Wine: Bodegas Pérez Hidalgo

Wine: Cartima siglo XXI

Wine: Finca Frutales

Sweet wine: Bodegas Gomara

Sweet wine: Bodegas Almijara.

Lard: La Abuela Loli

Gazpacho: La Molienda Verde

Brandy chestnuts: La Molienda Verde

Caramelised onions: La Molienda Verde

Oil sundried tomatoes: La Molienda Verde

Jams: mmm

Jams: la Molienda Verde

Olives: Aceitunas Alamillo

Olives: Aceitunas Bravo

Olive oil: Aceite Sierra de Yeguas

Olive oil: Molisur

Cheeses: La Hortelana

Cheeses: El Pastor del Valle

Cheeses: Sierra Cristalina.

Honey: La Molienda Verde

Fig products: La Borgeña


Spanish, English, French and German

Alhaurín el Grande
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